Tuesday, October 2, 2012

list twenty-nine: my favorite things about fall.


Some people tend to believe that a Florida fall isn't the real thing. Well, I kindly and respectfully disagree. Fall is fall no matter where you are. And while our version of fall may look slightly different, the feelings surrounding it are the same. That means it's fall in my heart, and that's where it matters.

1. My birthday happens in the fall.
2. People seem to slow down.
3. Hot drinks are seasonably appropriate (even if it's still hot here).
4. Pumpkins.
5. Halloween candy (the best kind of candy) arrives at Target.
6. Halloween costumes (especially the home/handmade ones).
7. Thanksgiving happens (best food, great family).
8. Fall colors.
9. Taking walks during a cool(ish) evening.
10. Fall TV premieres!

So, while Floridians may have to conjure up some of that fall magic on their own, I think it is alive and well here. Besides, the extra effort necessary to bring about some of the feelings of fall just means I appreciate it even more. What are your favorite things about fall? xo, R.


Ed Woltil said...

Love it! Birds from other climes start to visit as well. Nice typographical presentation, Rox!

LW said...

And fall is the best time to be a teacher. Not only all the autumn stuff but also just the feeling of fresh minds, new friendships and a whole school year ahead of us with so much possibility! There's excitement in the air, and I just love it.

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin flavored ice cream with gingersnaps is a mighty nice fall thing, I think! -M