Monday, October 1, 2012

little snapshots.


This weekend my parents visited, which meant Target runs, lunch at Satchel's, lazy mornings on the Starbucks patio, breakfast for dinner, and lots of wonderful chit chat. My mom kept remarking that visiting our little apartment was like a mini vacation and I have to agree that our cozy little abode is quite lovely and the perfect place to come home to after a long day. 
{1} A beautiful new begonia I picked up to join our front porch floral family.
{2} A small collection of pillows Jeffrey has made for me over the years.
{3} Marble-Rye bread for this week's sandwiches.
{4} Vanilla Chai hand soap that smells like concentrated fall (and matches our pink bathroom tiles quite well).
{5} Fall colored bouquet.
{6} Jack-O-Lantern erasers for my sweet students.

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend. I'd love to hear about it. xo, R.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

i need to get me some method soap - so cute! that owl pillow is super adorable