Monday, November 26, 2012

little snapshots.

{1} Our Thanksgiving set up; {2} Do you ever get sick of pictures of this little guy? (I don't.); {3} A pomegranate from our backyard tree; {4} Thanksgiving flower arrangement; {5} Our back porch; {6} Wedding craft in process; {7} Prep for shortbread cookies

Dear Friends, I hope you had a lovely, lovely holiday. Mine was simple and relaxing — two of my very favorite things. Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is appropriate to start the celebration of, happy holiday season, my sweet readers! There is something so special about the holiday season. I know there's no need to explain it because everyone feels it. It's like an extra warmness in the heart! I hope you have a wonderful week full of cheer and love. xoxoxo, R.


LW said...

Thank you for the woderful photos and for the early morning post. I am sitting here with my coffee in front of a festive little Christmas tree at 6:07a.m.. I am not quite ready to jump into a very busy work week. Your post reminded me to slow myself down and think about the simple pleasures of the holiday season. It was so much fun working on your wedding decorations. XXOO

Ed Woltil said...

Miss you...can't wait for Christmas!

K. said...

Pomegranates grow in your backyard?!?!
So in love.
I must visit Florida!

Anonymous said...

The outdoor Thanksgiving and outdoor birthday (from a couple weeks ago) have me loving our southern fall livin'! - M