Sarah's Quirks
{This picture is from this summer, when Sarah went on her 3rd trip to Guatemala, for a month. It's one of her favorite pictures, ever, because it reminds her of love and everything that really matters.}

1. I love socks. I have socks for every occasion, my Christmas collection is particularly overwhelming. For every holiday, and for those inbetween days when you need something to cheer you up. I have socks of all lengths, colors, patterns, and textures.They range from plain white running socks to shin-high purple fuzzy toe socks with cats listening to iPods on them. I love being barefoot, but there's something about wearing fun socks that lights up the day.
2. I have a (not so) slight obsession with cheese. As in, I need to have cheese on just about everything I eat. Sometimes I just take a pile of cheese and melt it in the microwave and eat it as is. I've never met a cheese I didn't like, and I'll eat it on just about anything. If I'm having an off day, just offer me a cheese log and I'll be perked up in an instant.
3. Spanglish isn't technically a language, but it might as well be my first one. I tend to speak in varying degrees of Spanish, whether or not the people I'm around understand it. I know quite a bit, and it really came in handy when I went to Guatemala. But now that I'm back in the States, I just can't kick the habit.
4. I love to take care of people. Some people express their love in gifts or words or touch, but I prefer to just care for people in practical ways. I love making and sending cards to people when they're not expecting it, bringing ice cream to someone who's sad, baking cookies for people, and giving them massages if they want them. I have an overwhelming urge to take care of everyone, all the time, and get upset when I can't.
5. I have a subconscious love of penguins. It's not that I purposely go out and buy penguin things, I just somehow accumulate them. I own penguin pajamas, a blanket, and even a hat. I like penguins alright, but I've never done any of this on purpose. Sometimes I look at the things I own and realize that any outsider would think I am mildly infatuated with penguins.
6. I photograph everything. And if someone else takes the pictures, I save them all. I have documented almost every day of my life for quite some time now. They say that you don't take a picture of something you want to forget, so I guess it's my way of making sure I remember. People are always astonished at all the pictures I have on my laptop and phone. I do it because on rainy or lonely days I like to look back and enjoy the life I've lived. I can only imagine this will get better as I get older and the archives get larger.
7. I call everyone by their full name. It doesn't matter if they have a nickname, I will most likely not refer to them by it. Names like Christopher, Michael, and Nicholas get the full deal. If it's a name that you can't make any longer (such as Frank) I will just add on syllables to fit my liking (Frank then becomes Frankenguggenheimer). I also refer to everyone as "love", which is kind of an overarching reference for everyone I come in contact with.
read more about submitting your own list of quirks here.
Thank you so much for sharing, Sarah. xo
read more about submitting your own list of quirks here.
Thank you so much for sharing, Sarah. xo
1 comment:
Lol your quirks are totally cracking me up, especially the last one.
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