But. There is something about standing in a field of fruit as the sun is setting. I mean, any kind of fruit would be extra special in such a setting — moments like that don't come around everyday (although I'm sure they could if we really searched for them) — but thank goodness they were raspberries. The thing about raspberries is that they are really fun to pick. If you've eaten a raspberry, you know that they're hollow in the center. That's because on the vine, they're attached to this little cone, and when you pick raspberries, if they're really ripe and really ready to be picked, they slip off that little cone seamlessly. And there's something really wonderful about a raspberry that slips right off it's little cone. It's like finding a $20 bill, or something. And then there's the raspberries that hang on to their cones and those tend to be sour and pucker-y. Those are also delicious, especially when you can pair them with a very ripe raspberry.
Anyway, since that day in the field, Jeffrey and I have been in love with raspberries. And I think it's safe to say that raspberries are our fruit. They just are. And so whenever a special occasion comes around, it's almost like a rule that we have to have something with raspberries in it. Because honestly, it's like, we need those little guys to come to all our celebrations — that's how much we love them.
As mentioned, I got this lovely recipe from Smitten Kitchen. She's such a reliable source and her recipes have yet to fail me. I highly recommend her site. Anyway.
*Adaptations: I used Raspberry Extract. I omitted the espresso powder/coffee nonsense completely. The only other change was accidental. I didn't really have enough chocolate for the cupcake portion, so I combined 4 ounces of a bittersweet bar with 2 ounces of a white chocolate bar and I would not change a thing about any of my adaptations, accidental or not.
*Adaptations: I used Raspberry Extract. I omitted the espresso powder/coffee nonsense completely. The only other change was accidental. I didn't really have enough chocolate for the cupcake portion, so I combined 4 ounces of a bittersweet bar with 2 ounces of a white chocolate bar and I would not change a thing about any of my adaptations, accidental or not.
Then, Enjoy!
xo, R.
Love it. XO
I have never before tasted a raspberry - this seems like the perfect time to fix that! :)
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