There were quite a few other happenings this weekend that included a trip to our favorite Thai restaurant, dinner at one of the most wonderful pizza places I have ever eaten at, browsing through an antique shop or two, the essential trip(s) to Target (Yes. There is often more than one.), brownie making & chick-flick watching, Dutch babies for breakfast, pumpkin donuts for another breakfast, and the celebration of a sweet family friend's 80th birthday party. The fall decorations are up around our house, and just thinking about all the sweet little kids trick-or-treating in their costumes makes me feel giddy.

{My dad and I tried a new technique where we didn't carve the eyebrows all the way through. Carving away just the surface is supposed to give the pumpkin a sort of dreamy, glowy look. Obviously we haven't really mastered that technique yet, but we're trying.}

{Not a decoration, but he sure is cute.}
Every time I go home I feel so well-rested and perfectly calm. It's a nice oasis in the midst of all this chaos. My teachers are taking it pretty easily on us this week. I can't help but feel that there must be a million things I'm forgetting to do, but I'm giving myself this week of freedom. It's a mental health week, or something. I hope you all had a marvelous weekend. Did you do anything exciting? xo, R.
**If you get nothing else from this post, please make the stew immediately. Thanks.**
I love love love your pumpkin!! Fall is the most perfect season in my opinion. Hoping that you find peace and rest in all of your seasons, especially the busiest ones. You definitely deserve it. I know school can be so demanding, but in the midst of it all, it seems like you are doing a fabulous job of carving (haha, I am punny) out time to enjoy life and be in the present moment. :)
That stew looks delicious!!!!!!!!!! Last night I made this dish and it was quite yummy!
That is the perfect pumpkin! I can just imagine you and dad wheeling around Publix with him sitting in the cart, and the face is definitely a Dad style Jack O' Lantern.
I love that cool old Jack O'Lantern on the armoir. Where'd that come from? Sounds like a lovely weekend. Wish I could've been there, or better yet wish you guys could've been here to enjoy a cool crisp fall weekend!!!!!!!!!
You are the cutest. :) Perfect Pumpkin. Perfect Roomie.
Love! <3
Groovy pumpkin. Sounds like you had a fun weekend with the fam.
Yay for pumpkins! To answer your question about our pumpkin, YES, it's really that big! :) We had to put in a wheelbarrow to get it to the check out counter.
Yours is quite cute! I love the happy face. And your halloween decorations remind me of the kind my mom put up when I was little. They just don't make them like that anymore, haha.
And of course, the best part about this post is the photo of your dog. I'm a sucker for pups! He looks so sweet and dainty, but like he packs a good punch of personality too!
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